The Role of a Bail Bond Company in the Legal System

Bail bond companies provide a financial service for individuals charged with a crime. They help the accused pay the required bail amount to secure their release from jail. At Woodard Bonding Company, our agents are trained to process each case as quickly as possible to expedite release. Here’s the role of a bail bondsman in the legal system:

Acts as an Intermediary

bail bondsman has two roles in the legal system, and these roles are intertwined. One role is to provide financial assistance to defendants who request it, helping them get released from jail until their trial. The other is to act as an insurer for the court, assuring that the defendant will appear at their scheduled court dates. If the defendant fails to appear, the bondsman may be responsible for the full bail amount. This factor links the financial support role directly to the insurance role.

Bail bondsmen can conduct an assessment to evaluate the risk associated with each defendant before agreeing to post bail. This assessment includes reviewing the defendant’s criminal history, the severity of the charges, and their ties to the community. It helps the bond agent determine the likelihood of the defendant appearing for their court dates and not reoffending while out on bail. Evaluating these factors allows the bail bond company to make an informed decision when posting bail for a defendant.

Provides a Legal Agreement

When the accused hires a bond agent, the bond company provides a surety bond. This bond is a three-party agreement made between the agent, the accused, and the court. The agent provides a surety amount, which is typically less than the total bond amount. It acts as an assurance that either the accused will attend their hearing or the court will receive the full amount of the bond money. If the person fails to attend their court hearing, the bond company will need to make sure the court receives the full bail amount. The accused or their family may also be required to provide collateral to the bond company. This collateral serves as an additional incentive for the accused to appear in court.

Processes the Paperwork

The bond agent processes the necessary paperwork to get the accused released from jail. Professional agents have experience working with the local courts, enabling them to move the process along faster. They know who to contact and what information is necessary to complete the proper documentation. To help finalize the agreement, the bond agent obtains signatures from the accused and the co-signer. If the court or bond company requires additional documentation or updates, the bond agent handles these requests promptly to maintain the accuracy and validity of the bond agreement.

Contact a Bail Bondsman for Your Loved One

Woodard Bonding Company has over 50 years of experience helping accused individuals get released on bail in Sumner County, Tennessee. We are available to answer calls and conduct consultations 24 hours a day. If you or a loved one have been charged with a felony or misdemeanor, contact Woodard Bonding Company to begin the bail bond process.