3 Reasons Bail May Be Revoked and How That Affects Bond Companies

If your loved one is in jail, paying bail allows them to leave custody as long as they appear for all their scheduled court dates. To receive assistance with the bail process, you can contact an experienced bail bondsman at Woodard Bonding Company. We serve defendants and families throughout the areas of Gallatin, Hendersonville, and White House, Tennessee. Here are three reasons bail may be revoked and how that affects the bond company:

  1. Failing to Attend Court 

If you do not have enough money to pay bail, a bail bondsman can post bail for you at a fee. This serves as a guarantee that the defendant will show up in court. The fee is typically 10% of the bond. Once the trial is over, the bail company receives their money back. If your loved one does not appear for the scheduled court dates, they may forfeit their right to bail bonds and be re-arrested. The bail bond company is then responsible for paying the full bail amount to the court. You remain liable for paying the entire amount back to the bond company.

Sometimes a bail bond company will require collateral in addition to a fee. If your loved one does not appear in court, the ownership of any collateral you put down, such as real estate, vehicles, or businesses, may be transferred to the bonding company. The company may then use the collateral to cover the bond amount.

  1. Leaving the State Without Permission

Leaving the state while on bail requires written consent from the court and the bail bondsman. Permission may be granted for circumstances such as funerals and marriages of immediate family members, work-related issues, and health conditions that require appointments in other states.

The terms of your loved one’s bail may necessitate an electric monitoring condition. This condition requires them to wear a device that tracks their location and confirms they stay within agreed-upon boundaries. If they leave the state, the GPS tracking device will lose the signal, and the condition will be broken. If your loved one does not appear in court after breaking the monitoring condition, the bond agent has the responsibility to locate, apprehend, and surrender them into custody. Their bail may be forfeited or revoked, and they will likely face additional legal consequences.

  1. Having an Unresponsive Cosigner 

If you do not have enough money for bail, we allow you to use a cosigner. The cosigner takes on the responsibility of paying the bail and fees if you or your loved one do not fulfill your legal obligations. Choose a cosigner you trust and who has financial stability and can put up collateral if needed.

Select a responsible cosigner that will return calls and stay updated on the case. Miscommunications between you and your cosigner may result in missing court dates and bail revocation. Woodard Bonding Company will guide you through the process of choosing a cosigner. We also require that your cosigner demonstrate financial stability and responsibility before they sign.


Find a Bail Bondsman

We are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, to help individuals and their families navigate the justice system. You can schedule a consultation in person, over the phone, or by fax. Woodard Bonding Company assists defendants charged with misdemeanors and felonies in municipal, state, superior, and federal courts. If you need a bail bondsman, call us today.